Tag Archives: chinese mauritian food

Mauritian Hakiens

The Best Hakien in Mauritius

What is Hakien? Hakien or Hakkien is a popular Mauritian appetizer of Chinese origin, similar to spring rolls or nems as our French and Reunion Island friends like to call them. The traditional Mauritian style Hakiens are made with a flour-based wrapper and then dipped in a flour-based batter before being deep fried to yummy […]

Eat like a local: Boulettes at Ti Kouloir

One of our absolute favourite Mauritian food has got to be boulettes soup. We never fail to try it at every single restaurant, street vendor or local snack that would offer it on their menu (and I’m not even exaggerating). Thanks to Reena, a true local who knows everyone and everything in Grand Baie, we […]